
Groups are made up of Sections. You can have as many Sections as you want in a Group. To add a section, click the “Plus” icon in the group where you would like to add it, then choose the section type.

For more information on each section type, see Content Sections in these instructions.

When you hover over a section, you will be presented with several options to the upper right:

Delete Section

This will remove the section permanently from the page.

Duplicate Section

This will make a copy of the section within the current group.

Move Section

This will allow you to move this section to a different group.

Section Properties

This will allow you to modify different aspects of this section. The Section Properties screen is different for each section type. See Content Sections for information on how to control each different section type using the Section Properties button.

Other Buttons

Depending on the type of section you are working with, you may see some other buttons to the upper right. Media libraries, for instance, will show you a pencil that allows you to modify the files in the library. Forms will show you an "eyeball" icon allowing you to view form submission information.