Page Settings
Clicking Page Settings on the left side menu gives you access to a number of parameters for each page.
Page Settings
Page Title
This is what will appear in the top of the browser tab. It will also be shown to users when they find your page on a search engine.
This is the actual web address for the page, appearing after the forward slash (/).
For instance, if your web address is, and your slug is pastoralwelcome, the address would be:
User Account Required
Checking this box will make it so that a user account is required to view the page. For configuring how user accounts are handled within the system, go to Administration > Account Settings.
Meta Kewords
In this box, enter keywords that users should use to find your site on search engines. NOTE: while this box is important, it is more important that these words appear visibly throughout your site. This will help you with search engine optimization.
Meta Description
This is the text that will be previewed to users who find this page on a search engine.
Publish Start Date
If you don't want this page to be active right away, set a publish start date. It will not be visible to the public until then.
Publish End Date
Similar to the above option, this will cause a page to be unavailable after the publish end date. Administrators will still be able to see the page.
Embed Code in Header
Use this box to paste any script that needs to be embedded into the header of this page.
Embed Code in Body
Use this box to paste any script that needs to be embedded into the body of this page.
Open Graph Settings
Open Graph settings can help social networks determine how this page should be shared.
Page Type - This tells the social network what type of content is on the page.
Title - This is the title of the page for social network sharing purposes. If left blank, the normal page title will be used.
URL - This tells Facebook to reference a different page instead of this one.
Description - This description will be used when sharing this page online.
Site Name - This is the name of your website. If left blank, the normal “Site Title” field will be used for social networks.
OG Image - This determines which image will be used when sharing this page online.
Background Settings
Each page has a Background Settings area to override the site's background settings if desired.
Use Site Background Settings - This forces the system to use the site Background Settings.
Background Type - The page can have a color, image, or video background.
Background Texture - This determines if you are using any background texture for this page.
Color/Overlay Opacity - If a color is selected over top of an image or video, this determines how much of the color is shown.