Menu Editor

The menu editor gives you control of the menu of your website. To access the menu editor, hover over your menu and click the “Edit Menu” button.

    Adding Menu Items

    To add an item to your menu, click the Plus icon at the bottom right of the menu editor, or one of the Plus icons below your existing menu items. A modal will appear where you can enter the details of your menu item, such as the Item Type or more options. After creating your menu item, you can drag it around to reposition it on your menu. Upon clicking “Save Menu”, your item will be saved to the menu.

    Adding Sub-Menu Items

    To add a submenu item, you can click the Plus icon below an existing menu item or drag an existing item under another item to reposition it.

    Deleting Menu Items

    To delete a menu item, first click the Pencil icon on a menu item in the menu editor. In the Edit Item screen which appears, click “Delete” and confirm.

    Item Types

    The types of menu items available

    More Options

    After clicking the Pencil icon next to the menu item in the menu editor to open the “Edit Item” screen, click “More Options” on the right to view more options for each menu items. Open In: This will choose how the link opens when clicked. If you select “New Window”, the link will appear in another tab when a user clicks it. By default, all links will open in “Current Window”.