Creating Pages

There are a few different ways to create pages, but this one is great when you are starting out and have several to build.

First, hover over your menu at the top of your site and click the “Edit Menu” button.

Then, click the large plus sign to the lower right. You will be prompted for a Title, Type, and Page. For the Title, enter the name of the page you would like to create.

For the Type, choose “New Page.”

Then click “Save Item.”

You will see your new page reflected on the menu builder. Do this as many times as you’d like.

You can also use the small plus icon beneath any of the menu items. This will turn that menu item into a non-linkable header, and allow for other items underneath it in a drop-down menu.

When finished, click “Save Menu.” Your menu will be saved and your new web pages will be created.