Site Settings
The Site Settings feature is a powerful tool when you are in Edit Mode. It allows you to change the following options:
Site Settings Tab
Site Title
This is the title that is shown in the top of the browser when users are viewing your site as the tab header. It is also shown on search engines when your site is listed.
Auto-Publish Pages
This feature is often confused with publishing a website, in other words taking it live on a certain web address; however, that's not what this feature does. Rather, it means that ONCE YOUR SITE IS LIVE, if you make a change to a page, that change will automatically be viewable by your live audience.
If you turn this feature off, then every time you make a change you will be presented with a green check mark at the bottom of the page. This means that only you and other administrators can see the changes you have made until you click that check mark. This then publishes the page so that users can see it live.
Neither of these modes has anything to do with attaching your domain name (web address) to your site. That is done under Administration > Domain Names.
User Account Required
If you would like to have some pages on your site that are private (only users with a username/password can view them), check this box. This way, a user will need to login to view your page. (Note: the user account system that comes with your website can be used to assign administrative users to make changes to the site; however, it can also be used to create simple user accounts for organization members/etc for viewing of pages, or to allow users to login to make blog posts or other contributions as permitted).
For more information on user accounts, see the Administration > Account Settings section of these instructions.
Simple Page URLs
By default, your page addresses will have a "/page/" in front of them. Click this option to allow for pages to be named without using "/page/"
Disable file download links
Be default, if you use a Media Library in your site, it will offer the user an option to download each individual file. Check this box to disable this feature and present the user only the opportunity to view the files online rather than to download them. (NOTE: there may still be a possibility for advanced users to download files, which is true of most any link online, but this feature serves as a strong deterrent to almost all users).
Custom Not Found Page
If users try to visit a page that is not found within the system, it will present the default "Not Found" page. Here, you can choose another one if you'd prefer.
Notification Email for user registrations
If you allow users to register for accounts on your website, this email address will receive a notification of the new account. Check Administration > Account Settings to see how to set up account approval and permissions.
Reply Address
This is the address from which system emails will be sent.
Reply Name
This is the friendly name from which system emails will be sent.
Reftagger Settings
If your website includes Bible Verses, choosing a RefTagger Setting invokes the Logos RefTagger tool. This tool, provided by Logos Bible Software, automatically creates a link to the verse wherever you type a verse reference on your site. This way, a user can hover over the link to read the full verse.
A Favicon appears in the browser tab next to the title of your website/page. It also appears in search engines next to your site where it is listed. It is generally the logo for your site or some small image representing your organization. To update the favicon for your site, click the "Choose Local File" option here to upload a new image, or "choose server file" to select one you've already uploaded to the server. Note that it may take a little while for the favicon to start showing in your browser because of the way browser caching works.
Facebook App ID
This feature is not currently in use.
Social Media Links
Here you can update the social media links that you use for various social networks. Just paste in your organization's address for each pertinent option. Leave blank the ones you don't need to use. This will create an icon for each pertinent social network in the footer of your site linking to it.
Contact Info
Here you can update the contact information displayed in the footer of your website.
PayPal Certificate ID
If you are using PayPal for secure shopping cart transactions, you will paste your secure Certificate ID here. This is generated from the PayPal Group or PayPal Item sections. For more information on this, see PayPal Store under the Content Sections portion of these instructions.
Get info from metadata when uploading files
If you check this option, when uploading files to the system, certain data such as title/author/date will be parsed and added to the system automatically.
Embed Javascript Site-Wide
If you have external scripting that needs to be added to each page of your site, paste it here.
Embed Header Tags Site-Wide
If you have certain header tags from external systems that you need to add to your site, paste them here.
Social Media Settings Tab
Icon Shape
This option will allow you to choose round vs. square social media icons.
Display Share Count
If activated, this option will display how many times a given page has been shared next to the Facebok icon.
This is the title of this site when shared on social media.
This is the description that will be displayed when sharing this site on social media.
Hash Tags (for Twitter)
When sharing on X (Twitter), these Hash Tags will be automatically implemented with your shared post. Enter as many as you'd like, separated by spaces.
Image to share
This will specifcy which image should be displayed on social media when sharing a page from this site.
Disabled Icons
When you are on a page that has social media icons for sharing, such as a media library page or blog, or if you add a social media sharing button section, this will determine which icons to disable, if any. Note that this has NOTHING to do with whether or not your website has a connection to any given social network. This allows your users to share your pages on their sites, so it is generally advised to keep all options enabled.
Layout Settings Tab
Primary Menu
If you have more than one sub-site, your sub-sites can share a common menu. Choose the manu you would like to use for this sub-site here.
Disable PDF View
For PDF, DOC, and DOCX files, this will turn off the system's default PDF preview mode and go straight to downloading the PDF when one is clicked on.
Skip Document Preview Page
This is the same as "Disable PDF View" but applies to all file types. When a file is clicked from a media library or other download area, it will automatically download without a preview page.
Hide Document Side Panel
This option still displays a preview of a PDF or other document when clicked, but it does not show the side panel with file information.
Autoplay videos on file page
This will cause videos to automatically play when they are clicked on from a media library.
Custom Related Files Title
In a media library, related files are generally shown in a "Related Files" section. This lets you change the title of that section to something other than "Related Files."
Add Google Fonts
If you would like to use other fonts in your system than what is provided, search for Google Fonts online and paste here the names of any fonts you would like to use. Save changes. Create a text field and use the font, then save changes to the text field and refresh the page. From this point forward you will see the new Google fonts usable along with the standard fonts.
Alert Banner Tab
Enable Alert Banner
This turns on a banner that will be displayed to users once each time they visit your site. It is a good place to put important information that you want users to ackowledge before continuing.
Banner Style
You can choose from a few different banner styles. They are very similar but you can experiment to see which one you like best.
Banner Content
This is the message that will be displayed in the banner.