Adding this section will add the “PayPal Cart Item” of your choosing to your page. If you haven’t created a Paypal Item yet, you can do so under Administration > PayPal Store.
A PayPal Item is a single product that you want to sell.
Once you have added the item to the page, you can click “Section Properties” to modify how it functions. The following properties are available:
PayPal Item - This selects the item you’d like to add.
PayPal Business Email - This is the email address that you use to login to PayPal, into the account that you want to link with.
Show Item Images - This shows or hides the item image from this item.
Show Item Descriptions - This shows or hides the item descriptions from this item.
Show View Cart Button - This shows or hides the “View Cart” button. If clicked, the user will be taken to PayPal to view their cart.
Allow Customer Notes - This allows the customer to fill in notes during checkout with any special instructions.
Purchase Type - Either “Cart” or “Buy Now.” This modifies what the buttons will say under the items.
Download Public Certificate for PayPal/Generate New Private Key and Public Certificate - If you want to use encrypted PayPal buttons, you can follow the instructions here to set them up, and use the download and generate buttons provided here as required through the process. To disable this and use non-encrypted buttons, click the “disable PayPal encryption.” The enryption here prevents someone from coding a button that would attempt to purchase one of your products at a reduced price. While it is a rare occurrence that something like this would happen, the encrypted buttons should prevent it.